Valentine’s Day: Sweets & Your Teeth

Valentines Day Sweets Alternatives Your Teeth

Ah, the smell of flowers, chocolates, and love on Valentines Day. With an extraordinary event like Valentine’s Day, extra-large-sized chocolates, sweet and sour gummy bear candies, and other sugary treats are expected. This day can be a special excuse to overindulge in sweets but we are here to remind you to take it easy.

Don’t get us wrong – we love chocolates, too! However, these sweet little treats can cause serious, harmful effects to your or your child’s teeth. So here are a few tips on how you can survive the Valentine’s Day with a healthy, safe teeth:

  1. Eat in moderation.
    The key in eating treats is moderation. Indulging in a candy piece, or even a few pieces, will not get you a mouth full of cavities in an instant. If you cannot resist chocolate and sugary treats, feel free to devour a few pieces. You can also limit your candy or chocolate by eating it after meals. 
  1. Choose the right sweets.
    Since you’re allowed to take a few pieces of chocolate and candy, make sure you choose the right type! Soft chocolates that can be easily washed off teeth are the best type of chocolates. Avoid sticky, hard candies like lollipops, caramels, and the like.
    Dark chocolates are also preferred for its excellent antioxidant properties which is good for the heart and teeth. This can help limit oral bacteria that cause halitosis.
    Sugar-free candies is another healthier option if you want to enjoy sweets without cavities. 
  1. Drink your water!
    Wash away the sugar in your mouth by drinking water! Staying hydrated helps the mouth produce saliva that washes away sugar and bacteria. 
  1. Brush your teeth
    Brushing is a full-time commitment and can save you from decay when you eat sweets. Ensure that sugar is removed from your teeth by brushing and flossing, but only after half an hour. Waiting to brush after a few minutes gives minerals a chance to redeposit on the enamel, and makes sure you are not damaging your weakened teeth. 
  1. Consider alternatives!
    If you are really committed in skipping chocolates and sweets this year, try other food alternatives such as fruits, nuts, and baked goods. You can also consider non-candy treats like celebrating with flowers or other treasures.

Overall, indulging in sweets this Valentine’s Day is not prohibited. Just make sure to enjoy and eat in moderation, with a drink in your hand! Happy Valentine’s Day!

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