How Clear Aligners Work

The development of aligners has drastically transformed orthodontics. The smile correction has become considerably simpler and more practical as an outcome. As a result, achieving a lovely and brighter smile is straightforward and simple.

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners are transparent plastic trays used in orthodontic treatment. The primary issue that aligners address is the straightening of misaligned or crooked teeth. They are detachable appliances, unlike traditional braces, and were created with the patient’s comfort and convenience in mind. The design of the tray is frequently tailored based on how severe the misalignment is. The following is a list of some of the typical orthodontic issues that braces can resolve.

  • Overcrowding – Overcrowding occurs when there is too little space for the teeth to align normally in the mouth. This condition can cause tooth decay and increase the likelihood of gum disease.
  • Large Gaps Between Teeth – Large gaps in between teeth sometimes occur because teeth are missing or because the jaw continues to grow abnormally.
  • Crossbite – This common dental problem occurs when one or multiple upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth. Therefore, uneven wear can lead to bone erosion and gum disease.
  • Overbite – This problem occurs when the upper teeth project further than, or completely cover, the lower teeth. Eventually, jaw pain may occur.
  • Underbite – This is the inverse of the overbite; the lower teeth project further than, or completely cover, the upper teeth. Eventually, jaw pain can occur.

How do aligners work?

A personalized treatment plan: Consulting with one of our dentists before starting the treatment. The dentist will carefully examine your teeth and jaw when you visit the dental clinic for a consultation. The next step is to further process the details, which may include a digital or 3D scan of your mouth. Following that, a treatment strategy is chosen based on the structure of your jaw and teeth.

Pre-application: Following the completion of your impressions, a 3D treatment plan is made for you. These models are given to the production unit after receiving the dentist’s approval, and the aligners are then ready for usage. The treatment process begins at this point.

Application of aligners: Initially, wearing aligners may cause you to experience some discomfort, but over time, you will adjust to the new adjustments. Plastic trays called clear aligners are positioned over the patients’ teeth. At first, they must be changed every one to three weeks. To have the best and fast result, the aligners must be worn for at least 20 to 22 hours every day. Your teeth and jaw are continuously subjected to pressure from the tray component that is attached to your teeth. The length of treatment varies depending on the patient. Typically, it lasts for 10 to 24 months.

Post treatment: To maintain the improved smile, a personalized clear retainer is created. To guarantee that malocclusion does not recur, and the teeth stay in their restored positions, they must be worn at night.

These invisible braces offer you comfort, convenience and virtual invisibility during treatment. Removable in an instant, these invisible braces adjust to your needs. Keep it on or take it off, get the confidence of a radiant smile everywhere you go.

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